Friday, July 29, 2005

GL Stratics News
Seven Days At Sea With FCB Member
Oshiego Rave featured in Shard News Posting

Evidently Oshiego Rave has been working his Ninjitsu quite a lot recently. The last I heard, he's reached the level of Shinobi. Congratulations by the way, Rave.

While participating in the recent Shard EM Event, Lady Tunna spent a great deal of time at sea working for the "Big Fish" constest win. Lady Lava has seen fit to publish her Captain's Log during Lady Tunna's travels.

If you look at the article, the first person Lady Tunna met on the high seas that she spoke with, it was our very own Oshiego Rave! :)

Thursday, July 28, 2005

BAF Alliance News:
Temple of Zento Joins Alliance

Recently, after meeting several people associated with the High Council of Britannia, Lama Ujio has been brought into an alliance with the Royal Knights of Redemption. Representing the City of Zento's Buddhist Temple, Lama Ujio has found a kindred spirit in the Knights, who's philosophy of Lord British's Virtues suprisingly follow the precept teachings of Buddha.

When asked about this alliance, Lama Ujio had this to say, "Buddha teaches us many things to help live our lives in a way that will bring enlightenment and an end to suffering. The Virtues followed by the Royal Knights of Redemption have been studied by our monks since the bridge between our lands was discovered. And we have found similar paths between our guiding principals. My goal is to help bring the peace sought by the Royal Knights to all the people of this world."

Lama Ujio, living a life of sacrifice can be a hard man to reach. He has asked the members of the Blue Lotus Clan to assist him in keeping in touch with anyone wishing to speak with him. So feel free to ask a Blue Lotus Clansman to deliver messages you might have for Lama Ujio or his Temple.

***OOC: The player who's created the Temple of Zento and the character Ujio in no way wishes to insult any actual Buddhists. He hopes through his research in Role Play, he can learn more about the religeon as it facinates him. He pledges to try not to belittle or insult any real association anyone might have. This player is in fact, not associated with the Buddhist Religeon what so ever, but considers Role Playing a Buddhist Monk something he hopes brings a little something "extra" to the GL RP community.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Funny WoW video

Ok, so I found this link on the old Kotodama message board while I was a little bored. And what a gem. This video transends the game WoW (which I have never played, nor plan too) and highlights the antics anyone who has played an online game where you try to coordinate your tactics and stradigy via voice chat.

"All plans are perfect until they make contact with the enemy." In this case, the enemy is a member by the name "Leroy".

I'd like to highlight some of the more notable quotes, which will make sense once you've seen it for yourself. After I watched it a few times, I just listened to it without the picture. Even just the voices are quite hilarious.

Leader: "Does anyone need something from this guy, or can we bypass him?"
Unknown: "I think Leroy does."
Unknown Geek: "I'm coming up with 32.3%, repeating of course, percentage of survival."

Leader: "Well, that's a lot better than we usually do."

Leroy: "Ok Jones-o, lets do this. L E R O Y B A G G I N S !"
Unknown: "Oh my God, he just ran in."

Unknown: "Just stick to the plan, Jones! Stick to the plan!"
Unknown: "I can't move! Am I lagging guys?"
Unknown: "More are spawning!"

Leader: "G**d****t Leroy!"
Leroy: "It's not my fault..."

Leader: "We do have a Soul Stone up, don't we?"

Unknown: "Leroy, you are just stupid as hell."
Leroy: "At least I have chicken."

Blue Lotus does Doom
or "How to bore your guildmates"

Yes fellow Lotus members, following the Sunday's meeting we decided to finally take that trip across the River Stixx and head over to the Gauntlet in Doom. And not having been over there since I had first got my archer about half way decent, I wasn't sure what to expect. That dates my last trip across to more than a year ago.

Let me tell you, it was a good way to get another "Been there, done that." T-shirt for some of our new members, but overall wasn't something I can say was very enjoyable. And not because it was so HARD. But because it's NOT. Granted, the boss monsters are pretty darn tough, but with all the tamers, mages, and archers over there, not only do the monsters fall much faster than I ever remember, but there's very little chance of someone like myself EVER managing to do the damage nessisary to gain access to one of those artifacts we all love so much.

So point taken. Save up your gold if you want one of those Gauntlet Arties. Cause I don't think the Blue Lotus will be going back anytime soon....