Wednesday, October 05, 2005

BAF and High Council News:
Royal Knights Resign from BAF:

"Greetings fellow Great Lakes residents! I come to introduce myself! My name being Rhiannon Lee, I am quite new to this realm and have come to let the good people of Sosaria know what is going on within your community. As a new reporter, I will make it my life�s work to bring to you all the latest and greatest news concerning our cherished lands. To start off my career, I was lucky enough to be present during a ground breaking event last eve. I was honored to play witness to swift changes that are taking place within the Britannian Ruling Community. Here is my story:

Quarter to nine, under the eastern skies, many residents of Britannia flocked to Compassion Grove for the monthly (weekly Monday night) High Council Meeting.

Varying degrees of prestige marched into the towering structure and took a seat waiting for the show to begin. From my vantage point, I was privy to all manners of discussion ranging from what will be the topic of this eve, to the latest and glorious battles that have been fought and won. Eagerly I sat and waited with bated breath until the meeting hall was packed to the gills.

Shortly after all the stragglers filed in, in came the Royal Knights of Redemption, our very own Royal Guard and protectors of the realm. Dressed to the nines in their matching white livery and armed stoically with their pikes, they then took up their positions to guard the good people. "

Catch the whole Stratics Story here.