Wednesday, August 17, 2005

BAF News:
Royal Knights of Redemption Awards Ceremony
Blue Lotus Clan Receives Award

Following the standard Tuesday Night BAF Briefing at the Keep of Redemption, the Royal Knights held an Awards Ceremony at the Serpent’s Hold Councilor Building. The RKR promotions consisted of Dragoon Trojan being promoted to Dextera, and Zelots Lily, Grey, Mike, and Theo were each promoted to Dragoon. Congratulations to each of them!

Following the promotions, Field Major Oona (who hosted the ceremony) asked that a representative of the Blue Lotus Clan step forward. Being the senior member present, Shihan Takashi Mandaka came up to be recognized. The Field Major then proclaimed how appreciative the Knights are of the assistance and service the Blue Lotus Clan have shown to date. And as a result, our entire Clan has been presented with the Royal Knights of Redemption’s “Platinum Bar of Service”.

This is a very distinguished award we’ve been honored to receive, and everyone should be very proud! To all those who’ve worked with and assisted the Royal Knights and the Britannian Armed Forces, you are each very deserving of praise. It’s not often that such a distinguished unit like the RKR honors a Clan like ours. It’s a true testament to the quality of people we have within our clan. I for one am honored to be serving beside each of you and look forward to continuing our journey, where ever it may take us.


Takashi Mandaka
Shihan, Blue Lotus Clan
Guild News:
Blue Lotus Clansmen Assist in City Defense

Two weeks past, the Blue Lotus Clan assisted members of the BAF in stopping the Vampire Coven, known as “The Accursed”, from feeding on innocent civilians within the City of Moonglow. Last Sunday, following the standard Clan Meeting, members actively helped the Militia of the Whispering Winds rise up against the Bloodrok Orcs in Skara Brae. And last night, working with several members of the BAF, the Blue Lotus Clan assisted in removing several Enemies of State from the City of Nujelm. The enemy numbers represented not only very high ranking officers of the Accursed, but also several officers from the Legacy Lich Guild. Both being members of the Empire of Armageddon, one of which was even a Senator of the Empire, the Blue Lotus proved pivotal in the battle by remaining unseen till the skirmish was underway.

The time and effort of those involved in these operations is greatly appreciated. Anyone wishing to join in these actions, please contact your Wake Commander or other Elder Council member to make it known you are available.

With our own Crown Jewel, the City of Zento, remaining virtually untouched by the Empire of Armageddon, we can only assume it will not stay so forever. Each Clansman needs to remain vigil in watching for and identifying any scouts or raiding parties within our City Walls. Reports of such activity need to be given to your individual Wake Commander immediately.
UO Expansion News:
Go Go Gadget Pre-Order!

Starting today, you can pre-order your copy of the Mondain’s Legacy expansion and receive your “Charger of the Fallen” gift. It’s an armored horse that works very similar to the Ethy Vet Reward Mounts.

The horse is a blessed statue in your backpack that can be mounted from stealth, which will come in very handy in our profession. :)

For those wondering if they should buy the $30 upgrade or not, there’s several new dungeons that I look forward to “us” as a guild exploring.