Thursday, July 21, 2005

GL Shard News: Thief, Tailor, and Blacksmith Contest

Apparently there is a "Shard Wide" contest that has begun. Rules can be found in books on the Throne Dias of Lord British.

The portion I heard about last night is how they've hid 250 items throughout the lands of Trammel and Felucca that can be stolen. They've been hidden very well, but at least half only require Stealing Skill of no more than 30. You will know the items by the title "Stolen by ...". This is an item that is stealable. Why? No idea. Just passing it along... [yawn]
The Yew Militia - Polynikes resignation

As of July 20th, 2005, Polynikes of the Yew Militia, Field Marshal of the Britanian Armed Forces, has resigned his possition within his unit.

The Blue Lotus Clan would like to wish him well in what the future holds for him, and honorably offer our support of him and the remaining members of the Yew Militia.

From the Yew Militia Message Board:
"To all members of the Yew Militia,
I Polynikes of Yew have come to a difficult decision. It is time for me to step down as Commander of the Yew Militia and Field Marshal of the BAF. It is time for a new direction for the Militia.We are at a crossroads and a decision must be made on our direction.

I have named my second in command Rand Al'Thor as Commander until such time as the Militia decides to hold a new election.

I look back proudly on my service with all past and current members of the Yew Militia. We have an honorable history and I am confident that it shall continue.

My time in the Militia has been enjoyable and I consider you all close friends. Safe travels and may the virtues guide and protect you all as well as my beloved city of Yew.

Polynikes of Yew"

Monday, July 18, 2005

High Council of Britannia
Lady Skylar To Fill Chancellor's Shoes

Due to a situation keeping the Chancellor away from the High Council chambers, Vice Chancellor Skylar is stepping in as Acting Chancellor during Ra'Dian Fl'Gith's absense.

Good luck to you, M'lady!

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Stratics News! The Quest To Gimp Smoke Bombs

The way I see things personally, you have two types of people playing UO as a Ninja.

1. Those who find the Ninja of Legend something they are intrested in.
2. Those who find the skills associated with being a Ninja adventagious to their quest to perfect Player vs Player combat.

IMHO, those who fit in catagory 2 are ruining things for those in catagory 1. Simply put, there are a number of people out there who have learned skills in the Art of Ninjitsu not to become one of that skill, but because they can apply Ninja Skills with other skills making them stronger.

It would appear that the subject of Smoke Bombs have come under the scrutiny of the Dev Team. Apparently, there are those who feel the benifits of using a Smoke Bomb in combat gives someone too much of an advantage. As the dev teams agree, adding a "Peace Timer" to smoke bombs for an extended period of time is a bit too harsh, but they seem intrested in this under some other time length context.

  • First they attached Mana to the use of a smoke bomb. It didn't make much sense, but it also didn't really affect me too much.
  • Then they removed the ability of a Ninja in animal form from throwing bola. I buy this, but still, a benifit from being a ninja was removed.
  • Then they lowered the damage capacity of the Death Strike and Back Stab. Oh the pain.

There are several other "balancing issues" that have changed the life of a Ninja, but this latest attempt by others to see the Smoke Bomb gimped brings me thoughts of anger.

All of these gimps have, in one form or another, revolved around how some people in the PvP community felt the Ninja was a target they could not overcome. This based almost completly on characters using Ninja based skills beyond how a "True Ninja" would use them. But the outcome of the fix effected ALL Ninja and how ALL ninja were able to perform.

The Gimp of one Skill Combination has GIMPPED us all time and time again. Lets hope the Ninja Hatred comes to a close soon.