Friday, September 02, 2005

UO Ninjitsu News:
Mondain's Legacy: Death to all Ninja

Original post made on the Stratics "Latest Development" Board

Dear UO Development Team,

In the simplest terms, I can only try to point out that the current Racial Abilities in Mondain’s Legacy has effectively rendered a minimum of 180 skill points into the category that “Item Identification” currently resides. There’s no other way to put it. And when you consider the number of Ninjitsu specials that require hiding and/or stealth, the total goes up 100-120 more points.

In Trammel, warred players (Humans and Elves alike) now reveal stealthers like they were born to do it, and not a drop of trained skill in that area. We’ve tested against both races, and even the 20 points each human now possesses makes approaching them a serious problem. If you’re talking about approaching an Elf, you might as well forget it. The regularity of reveal on someone that’s just an Elf (no reveal hidden skill) was honestly embarrassing.

Without a doubt, the biggest complaint in recent months regarding Ninjas has revolved around the “Stealth Archer”. As a Fencer Ninja, I’ve been constantly worried that a “fix” would be put into place that didn’t just address that specific problem, but would actually effect ALL Ninjas.

With the Reveal Hidden properties the ML Expansion has put into play, Snoopers, Thieves, Ninja Fencers, Ninja Macers, and Ninja Swordsmen have all just seen their templates rendered very problematic. I say this because of the 180 skill points that are now unreliable at best, worthless in all but optimum cases.

However, the one skill set who is unaffected by this situation in comparison, is the Stealth Archer. They are able to remain at a distance which lowers the chances of passive revealing that someone like a fencer simply can’t enjoy.

The Ninjitsu skill within UO revolves around Hiding and Stealth as its two core skill components. There is no way I would believe anyone if they told me that the Developers of ML honestly had the goal of eliminating Ninjitsu from within UO completely. But if this situation remains for very long, that is exactly what will occur.

If you take two standard Fencers who have identical armor and weapons, you’re in for a long battle if they fight. Now take one of those fencers, force him to remove 280 skill points (Ninjitsu, Hiding, and Stealth values) from his template and you’ve got a one sided fight on your hands. Ninja are in the latter group, but have been using Stealth and the Ninja Specials (several requiring you to be hidden) as the counter to the reduced effectiveness in your standard slugfest.

As someone who returned to UO when Samurai Empire was released (because of the Ninja), I have enjoyed every single moment since. The opportunity to play the role of a Ninja within UO was simply too much to pass up. You guys tapped into something when you gave folks like me that opportunity.

People complained that the Template was too tight. I agreed, but didn’t let it bother me. I worked around it. Since the release of SE, I’ve helped build what I feel is one of the coolest guilds in the entire game. The Blue Lotus Clan. We’re a group of like minded folks who’ve all grown up in love with Ninjas and tickled pink at the prospect of Role Playing a character such as that. And since it’s initial development, we’ve become heavily involved in the GL Role Playing scene, and have honestly LOVED what we could do not only in an RP sense, but also in a RPvP sense. And from the other end of the spectrum, I’ve heard nothing but positive comments about how a Ninja Clan such as ours have added another dimension to the game, making it more enjoyable for everyone.

When I look at what ML has done to Stealthers and specifically Ninjas, you’re either going to have people change their ninjas into something else, or in the worst case, people are going to stop playing UO all together. I know of many many players who’s gameplay revolve around stealthing. And they just got a big surprise. The worst part about it, I had to pay $30 bucks just to find out.

I don’t write this as an opportunity to yell, kick, or scream. I write this in hopes that someone will see and understand what I’m trying to point out and realize you’ve got a problem on your hands.


Takashi Mandaka
Dedicated UO Ninja

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

UO News
Mondain's Legacy Goes Live

The quest to discover the new wonders offered by the Mondain's Legacy Expansion begins. Will you answer the call of the "Inner Elf" within you? If so, now is the time!

The Blue Lotus Clan will begin testing the new racial effects Elves will be having on Stealthers as soon as possible. Also to be tested is just how effective having 20 points of Detect Hidden will be on us as we hope to remain the "Shadow Warriors" we have become known for.

Additional testing will also begin on what effect the new weapons will have on the standard Ninja Weponry. Stay tuned for more details.

(Feel free to add comments if you have anything you would like to share along these lines.)

For those wishing help in following the various new quests, please see the UO Stuff website for assistance.