Thursday, July 14, 2005

Stratics Message Forums: What strategies do you use for PvP?

Incuding this post cause it's got a few nice pointers about the role a Ninja can play in PvP.
High Council of Britannia :: Yew Fair in Whispering Winds:

"Just an update of the events planned for the Summer Fun Faire, at Skara Brae Fairgrounds, Saturday the 16th of July. Things will kick off officially at the Fairgrounds at 8pm under the Central Stars. However we will be sponsoring a Boat Race....which will begin in Vesper at the Vesper Docks at 730pm by the Central Stars. Parties interested in participating in the boat race should contact me ahead of time via either my pigeon (ICQ at 130576431) or my ethereal mail ( and register....." More from the link at the top.

Willa of the Yew Woods

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Mondain's Legacy Goes to Beta!

Yes, that's right! They released a reported 500 codes for upgrading accounts into a beta status. This enabled the account to see and do everything that will (or should) be available in the upcomong Mondain's Legacy Expansion.

I for one can't wait! Lots of folks are looking forward to changing the characters that they've role played as an Elf....INTO AN ACTUAL ELF IN GAME! I never have been one to get into elves myself as far as role play, but I have a good appreciation for those who do.

What's really getting me going on this is the new crafting items, including a Runic Fletchers Kit! Finally that GM Bowyer I made a while back will have stuff to do! Originally I GM'd that skill simply to modify the Juka Bows. But I'm sure as any archer can attest, those are basically worthless now with the proliferation of other "slayer" bows in much greater quantity and value. Not to mention not having the Dex and Str requirements nessisary to make Juka Bows seriously puts them in an ugly catagory now-a-days.

I also am looking forward to the new dungeons! Guild Hunts have beocome tough duty as most folks have "been there, done that." So these new dungeons will bring with them a lot of "Guild" activities for the entire Blue Lotus Clan. And I can't wait!

If you want a taste of what's going on with the Beta, here's the link to the Stratics Beta Testers message board. Lots of good insight into what's going on and where problems exist within the expansion. Just keep in mind, highlighting the problems is WHY they do a beta. So don't get discouraged by what you see there. The Dev Team are seeing it for the first time too....

Stratics Message Forums: Viewing forum: Ultima Online: Mondain's Legacy Beta Testing
Members Only:
Booga Invasion of Whispering Winds

The Booga Tribe has begun an impromptu invasion of the town of Whispering Winds. There appears to have been some difficulty in the dealings with the [BT] guild. Info posted on the msg board.

(Members only....sorry)
Members Only:
Nujelm Invasion

With the invasion of Nujelm partially complete, please view this link for instructions on our possible role to play in this operation.

(Members Only...sorry)
Blue Lotus Craftable Services

New Member Akuma offers services!
Services avalible through me

One of our new members has an extensive history within UO. He has many services he would glady offer to any of his new guildmates needing things repaired and/or modified. Please feel free to contact him!
High Council of Britannia :: Story Telling Contest:

"This Friday, 9pm est, the Windy Haven Tavern will be hosting a story telling Contest. The Windy Haven is located on the road to Skara Brae in the town of Whispering Winds. Come out and show off your stories or songs!

The bar at the Royal Oaks Tavern will still be open for those that wish it."
Whispering Winds - Halloween party planned:

"I know it is still early in the year to be looking to the fall season but I believe it to be of upmost importance to begin early planning of this momentous effort by the Party Planning Commitee. We are still in the talking and planing stage of this event and would like to hear any and all suggestions that you here on the Etheral plan wish to pass along to me. I have been made the offical spokeperson for our little band of party planners and have come up with many ideas but we want to hear from you as well.

This would be for events, prizes, foods, party favors, ect...Please share them with me either here or in game. The closer to the month of October we will anounce the Date and time so please make suggestions for this as well. This will be open to all UO players so be sure to mention this to your freinds as well who are either in other cities or on other shards! Yes it is a costume party so let me know if you think we should again provide costumes for people of not. I also think that we should bring up the idea of going out trick or treating to other cities and shards as a whole group let me know what you think! If you would like to help with the planing and also wish to volunteer any skilks you think would be useful again let me know the more who help the better the party! The bigger the chance our town and coffers will grow!
Thank You Lady Aerion Magistrate of Whispering Winds and Party Spokes person"