Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Whispering Winds - Halloween party planned:

"I know it is still early in the year to be looking to the fall season but I believe it to be of upmost importance to begin early planning of this momentous effort by the Party Planning Commitee. We are still in the talking and planing stage of this event and would like to hear any and all suggestions that you here on the Etheral plan wish to pass along to me. I have been made the offical spokeperson for our little band of party planners and have come up with many ideas but we want to hear from you as well.

This would be for events, prizes, foods, party favors, ect...Please share them with me either here or in game. The closer to the month of October we will anounce the Date and time so please make suggestions for this as well. This will be open to all UO players so be sure to mention this to your freinds as well who are either in other cities or on other shards! Yes it is a costume party so let me know if you think we should again provide costumes for people of not. I also think that we should bring up the idea of going out trick or treating to other cities and shards as a whole group let me know what you think! If you would like to help with the planing and also wish to volunteer any skilks you think would be useful again let me know the more who help the better the party! The bigger the chance our town and coffers will grow!
Thank You Lady Aerion Magistrate of Whispering Winds and Party Spokes person"


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