UO News:
Blue Lotus Takes Stealthing Problem In Stride
With the recent return of Elves to Sosaria, it's been discovered that they have an uncanny ability to detect hidden combatants. After attempting to find a way to adapt around this situation, the Blue Lotus Clan has discovered how the Ninjitsu Ability "Shadow Jump" will allow you to move without being subjected to the Detect Hidden abilities enjoyed by elves, and partially now taught to humans.
Blue Lotus Takes Stealthing Problem In Stride
With the recent return of Elves to Sosaria, it's been discovered that they have an uncanny ability to detect hidden combatants. After attempting to find a way to adapt around this situation, the Blue Lotus Clan has discovered how the Ninjitsu Ability "Shadow Jump" will allow you to move without being subjected to the Detect Hidden abilities enjoyed by elves, and partially now taught to humans.
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